Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Cohen!

I can hardly believe my baby's already 1 year old! My pregnancy with Cohen seemed to last FOREVER considering how impatient Cohen was about making his entrance. (I was on bedrest for several months) Since Cohen entered our lives, time has flown by! He's an incredibly happy little boy, smiling constantly causing everyone around him to smile. He's at such a fun age trying hard to walk & talk. He's still pretty wobbly but is taking more & more steps everyday & surprising us by saying new words. His latest phrase, which comes out as one word is "whatsthat?" Its so cute!
Cohen's 1st Birthday Party was last Saturday afternoon. I've never seen a 1 year old enjoy his/her cake as much as Cohen did. Two seconds after I set the cake down he dove in & kept going. We laughed until we!

He didn't even take a break from eating when all the kids crowded around him for a picture. :)
Happy Birthday Sweetheart! We love you very much!!!


Shelly Pagel said...

Great pictures Deena!

StacyBraatz said...

Awwwwwww cant believe he is 1 already! What a sweet little guy! Beautiful family Deena!